Sunday 8 April 2018

La Vie En Rose: Life Through Rose Coloured Glasses

It's a blessing to see life through rose coloured glasses. Being an eternal optimist, seeing the best in others, and the silver lining in every setback, makes life a whole lot easier to live.  I'm a glass half full kind of person!
That's not to say that optimists don't see the reality before them.  Every thought process begins in reality, and goes from create a new reality...a better reality.  Visualize your life as you would want it to be.  Then, given your present circumstances, what do you need to do, to be where you really want to be?  What are your options?  Focus on that, rather than the circumstances of your current reality.

In the meantime, find joy in your present imperfect life.  Longing for a meal in a French restaurant?  Pick up the ingredients for a wonderful meal at home, add fresh flowers, and great music - et voila!  Can't travel the world?  Bring the world to your door!  For 32 years, I was the primary caregiver for my Mum.  I had three days of holidays - back in the early '90s!  My life is so much richer since opening an Airbnb in my home more than three years ago.  I cannot imagine my life without the friends I have made.               

Talk about a reality check...most North Americans have no idea how good we've got it.  I listened to a recent TED Talk about how most people think that on a world wide economic scale, they're about average.  When conditions such as a roof over our head, a bed to sleep on, a stove to cook on, fresh water for cooking and bathing, and a real toilet are factored, most North Americans are at the high end of the economic scale!  We are rich! 

When I was a teenager, I learned a lifelong lesson from one of the mothers in our neighbourhood.  With five perfectly dressed kids she had a lot of ironing.  It was her least favourite thing to do, but it had to be done.  Every sunny Summer afternoon, she would be on her balcony ironing -  in her bikini!  She turned something unpleasant, into a day at the beach.

Words and images are my playground.  Numbers bring on anxiety.  This afternoon, I stopped procrastinating on my taxes, and started going through all my receipts.  The paperwork has got to be done.  So, I found hours of music - Santana, Los Lonely Boys, Stevie Ray Vaughn - turned up the volume, and made the experience uniquely wonderful.  I sock danced through January and February, and am kinda looking forward to the other ten months!    

...and about that glass half full...Garcon!  Encore, si'l vous plait!

Photographs Copyright of:  Ruth Adams, Widow's Endorphins Photographic Images Incorporated.

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