Monday 20 June 2016

First Day of Summer!

(6:34pm EDT)  Welcome Summer, with your warm sunshine, fragrant flowers, long days at the beach, pretty outdoor weddings, sweet berries with whipped cream, and refreshing lemonade.

The 2016 Summer Solstice shares a rare full moon.  For the first time since 1967, a Strawberry Moon takes place within hours of the arrival of Summer.  It is called Strawberry Moon, because June is strawberry time in our part of the world.  Get out those telephoto lenses, because the next full moon to arrive on the Summer Solstice is in 2062!

As for me, I'm enjoying the macro world of floral closeups.  This rose was photographed on my balcony a few hours ago. The Rosa Hybrid Royal Bonica shrub rose is described as a "vigorous grower", blooming from Summer to Autumn.  You'll be seeing more of this rose in the coming days!

In celebration of the arrival of Summer, and tonight's "once in a lifetime" Strawberry Moon, enjoy:

Strawberry Moon Shortcakes with Rose Whipped Cream

2 C all-purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
6 Tbsp cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3/4 C Half and Half (also called Coffee Cream, or 10% cream)
3-4 C fresh strawberries, sliced
2 Tbsp sugar (optional)
2 C whipping cream 
1 tsp rosewater (or 1 tsp vanilla)
fresh rose petals (pesticide free roses!)

Preheat oven to 450F.  Combine all of the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.  Cut in the chilled butter, coating the butter pieces in the flour mixture.  Cut until the mixture has the texture of breadcrumbs.  Add the Half and Half, and stir until the mixture is just moist.  Lightly flour your hands, and gently knead the dough.

Turn the dough onto a floured countertop, and pat it down to 3/4" thick.  Use a round cookie cutter, or glass to cut the dough into 3" rounds.  Resist the temptation to twist the cookie cutter, instead, use a straight down and up motion, so that the shortcakes will rise evenly.  Place the shortcakes on an ungreased baking sheet, and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.  At this point, the shortcakes may be cooled, or served warm out of the oven.

Add the sugar to the sliced strawberries.  Whip the chilled whipping cream into softly formed peaks. Add the rosewater, and give the cream a quick whip to blend in the rosewater.

Assemble by slicing each shortcake in half.  Top the bottom layer with strawberries, place the top layer on top, add more berries, and a generous dollop of the whipped cream.  Sprinkle with a few rose petals.

I've made this several times over the years, using chocolate brownies or lemon loaf as a substitute for the shortcakes.  Go gentle on the rosewater, as it can be overpowering in the whipping cream.  Adjust it to your taste.

Happy Summer everyone!  For readers in the Southern Hemisphere, take heart that your days can only get longer!


This lovely First Day of Summer Rose flare dress is now in my on-line shop!  Just go to:  Once you're in the shop, click on the dress for the full 3-D view, and give the dress a twirl!

Photograph copyright of:  Ruth Adams, Widow's Endorphins Photographic Images Incorporated.


  1. Happy Summer to you dear Cousin! Thanks for the recipe.

    1. My favourite time of year, Monique! I know you, and your family and friends will enjoy the Strawberry Shortcakes.
